Iodine - Flexidine
Pink Eye Season
Johnes- The Slow Burner

Kennel Cough
Weaning Points
Lame Cows

Synchronise Heifers
Abomasal Ulcers
Injection Site Abcess

Should we remove wolf teeth
Bobby Calf Welfare
Whiltshire sheep study
Managing stags to maximise velvet production
Last trimester feeding

Benefits of dentals
Calcium Caps
Healthy Nutrition

Duck Dog
Lameness Seminar
Frustrating Dry Rates In Ewes?

Liver Biopsies
Heifer Mastitis
Calf Targets
Travel Certs
Ram—Out Date

Christmas Baubles
Horse Poultice
Cancer Eye & Travel Certs
Ergot Poisoning

Pet Slimmers
Interesting Case
Furry Antler

Mag for beef cows
Foot Infections
Coccidiostats for Calves
Intestinal Worm Control
Broody Hens

Metricheck Early For Higher In-Calf Rates
Bobby Calf Welfare
Nutrition For Breeding Bitches And Puppies
SMCO Toxicity – Red Urine In Cattle
Pain Relief For Tailing Time

Protection against calf scours
A year for bearings
Repro results

Protection against calf scours
A year for bearings
Repro results

Cows for early dry off
Winter feed
Horse worming
Transition to crop
Cull Cow

Equine worm Management

Dog whelping
Ram palpations

Pregnancy and cats
Infected Udders

Drench Resistance
Ultravac 7 In 1 Or Lepto?
Rabbit Calicivirus
Your Horse Is Not Big Boned

Dairy Cow Scanning
Cattle Dehorning

Uncle mike update
Foaling at home
Velvet diseases
Taking off furry Antler

Tailing Questions
Non cycling cow programmes

Dairy Calf Worming
Importance of iodine
Lamb Survival
Growth on Bulls Head

Goat Health
Scanning Hinds
Limping to mating
Genesis Pour-On
Puppy Worming
Lice in Sheep

Pre-Lamb Planning
Take the pain out of calving this season
Did you know? Calpro Bolis

feeding the first trimester
Transition to crop
Dairy Scanning
Liver Biopsy

Chocolate Poisoning
Heifer Mastitis & Teat seal
BCS Dairy cows
Feline stomatitis
HISCC milk samples

Priorities in the lead up to mating
Liver Biopsies
Woody tongue
Preg Testing
Pippi case study

Pink eye
Equine health

Mammary cancer in dogs
Udder defects
Taking advantage of a high payout
Beef bulls
Shed inspection

Aural Haematoma
Health Checks for horses
Bloat Prevention

Coccidiodid in calfs
Ear mites in cats and dogs
It's fly season

Worm Watch
Vaccinate Mares
Buying Mares
Buying Better Rams
Cervidae Drench

Hip and Elbow Scoring
$$$ for Brain Samples
Bobby Calf Welfare
Avoiding Bull Failure
Test Your Lambs for Iodine
Abortion in Ewes

Do Horses Need Electrolytes?
December Dairy Update
Young Fawn Health & Disease
Kennel Cough

Calendar Competition
Foaling at Home
Improving Lamb Survival
Spring Grooming
Earlier Metri-checking Pays Off
Non - Cycling Cow Treatment Change

Paralyzed Lambs
Cow Hierarchy & Avoiding Injury
Hyperthyroidism in Cats
Pre-lamb Drenching of Ewes

Small Animal Dentals
The Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Horse This Year!
Law Changes for Horns
5-in-1, 6-in-1, 8-in-1, 10-in-1 ?!!
Can You Expect to Have More Grass at Lambing Than You Do Today?

Why do some horses get laminitis?
Wormwatch April 2019
Milk quality review & dry off
Duck dog W.O.F
Worming reminder

Wormwatch March 2019
Body condition score - crucial
Aged horse

Wormwatch February 2019
Copper toxicity
Barley grass
NZ companion animal register
Clinical iodine deficiency diagnosed once again in northern Southland

Sheep measles
Help toxovax® help you
Yersiniosis scenario
Body condition score
Wormwatch January 2019

Should you vaccinate your dog against canine cough?
Velvet antler - the weird and wonderful
Situation comment
Staff comment
Fly strike
Pink eye

Laminitis (founder)
Staff comment
Pet slimmers
What could bvd cost me?
Dairy calf drenching
Animal regulations

Rain scald
Situation comment
Attention deer farmers
Clostridial confusion?
Early metri-checking pays off
Energy watch!

Feeding high nitrate pastures
Pets corner—June is arthritis month!
Pre-lamb treatment
Situation comment
Rotavirus, our top calf killer?
Worming reminder

Fungal flourish
Venison young stock
Situation comment
Tales from the catwalk
Dry off decisions
Free PPID testing
Duck dog WOF
Duck shooting hamper

Weaning diseases in deer
Lifestyle block club
Calf and heifer management over Autumn
Iodine issue

Maximising beef mating performance
We have gone digital!
Tetanus – the fully preventable disease
When to pregnancy scan
Faecal egg count reduction testing (FECRT)
Nutrition for velvet antler production

Protein problem
Metrichecking: early vs late
Food for thought
Heat detection
Do you have a plan for BVD?
Obesity in pet dogs
Antibiotic traffic light

Ergot warning
Troublesome toes
Mycoplasma Bovis
Drug with-holding reminder
Grooming service
Changes to de-velvetting facilties - an opportunity for kiwi ingenuity?
Blindness caused by parasites

The importance of liver biopsies
Down cow - act quick - get results
Meet Jon Snow
Menacing mud fever
Winter Woollies seminars

Autumn worms
Superbugs - the threat of antibiotic resistance
Trace elements
Brucella ovis still exists!
Equine sarcoid

Pregnancy scanning
Removal of Excede LA & Excenel Rtu From RVM’s
Have you heard about Feline Aids?
The Dark Side of Legumes
Iodine in Sheep - Plant and Soil

Can my pets make me sick?
A bent-legged calf
Scalded Skin
Gastrointestinal parasite damage in deer

Understand B12
Mating circle of success
Heat detection - 6 week challenge
Everything you need to know about having a pet lamb

Optimising velvet growth
Lambing potential
Diabetes in dogs
Lame cow treatments

Parasite control in horses
Whelping problems - when should you call a vet?
H.A.P.P.Y. horse package deal
Bearings in ewes
Foetal loss in maiden ewes

Swollen sheaths in geldings
Body condition score
Teeth issues in ewes
Important information on BVD

Ram palpating
Sheep mastitis
Foot and mouth disease
Pregnancy scanning in cows
Summertime skin conditions

Orphan foals
Bull mating
PEM - Polioecephalomelacia
Is your drench working?
Need to know about puppies and kittens
Calf-heifer rearing

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)
Pre weaning decisions - no size fits all
Pet insurance
Horse wounds
Bowed legs in stags
Reduce cost versus maximising income

Malignant catarrhal fever
Calving kit essentials
Dental hygiene for small animals
Pre-lamb treatments of ewes
Spring mastitis
Health and management issues arising at calving
Red-water reminder
Pre lamb preparation

Mud fever
Arthritis in small animals
Annual health check for pet goats
Dairy staff training
Ergot warning
Beef and Lamb 'Meat the future for profit programme'

Duck Dog WOF
Dairy pregnancy testing results - where do you score?
Horse parasite control
Who can go to the works?
Are you still using single active drenches?
Pre-anaesthetic blood testing for your pet
Wintering - Don't let it go pear-shaped

Body Condition Score - The underpinnings of farm production
Cow flow
Liver biopsies - Why all the fuss?
Drenching - Knockout, exit or quarantine?
BCS - Looking beyond the dairy sector at deer
Repercussions of a cat fight

Post operative physiotherapy
Donkeys - Long eared horses?
Feeding your horse
Weaning condition, pink eye and pneumonia, and drench resistance in ewes

Mating management
Orphan ducklings
Monensin in beef cattle
Photosensitivity - why cows get sunburn
New protocols for deer drenching - some reminders

Uterine infections post calving
Pre-lamb drenching
What is your fertility index (FI)?
Vitamin E use for ewes
Iodine use for ewes
Preparing to breed your mare
BVD Reminder

Ewe weights and body condition scores
Dental care for horses
Constipation in dogs
Leptospirosis and deer
Elastic vs resilient beef cows
Interesting facts about ducks

Winter horse care
BCS reminder for graziers and dairy farms
Heifer mastitis
6 week in-calf rates

Horse owners be aware of the dosatron
Brucellosis in rams
Barley grass
Weaning deer
Milk urea

Holiday hazards
Managing fractures and joint injuries in dogs
Turkey trivia
Ewe management post weaning
Lame bulls
Ergot Poisoning: A Case Study
Stocksense - Can you do without it?
Heart stroke in dogs

Arthritis in cats and dogs
Interesting facts about Donkeys
Foaling - When to call the Vet
BVD - the latest update
Pneumonia in lambs and hoggets
Heifer Mating
Sciatic Palsy: An emerging disease
Uterine Infections
Dis-budding dairy calves
6 week in-calf challenge

6 week in-calf challenge
HAPPY horse weigh day
Animal welfare - transport of animals
Magnesium supplementation of dairy cows
Trace elements

Drying cows off - who? why? when?
Magnesium in horses
Fawn's first drench
Drench Resisitance - the use of startect
Inductions in dairy cows - what's happening?
Knockout drenching

Feeding Fibre during winter
Worm control in beef cattle
Tansition bull management with bopriva
Pink eye in cattle
BVD can happen on a beef farm
Skinny Cattle